Plan miasta Garyvard

Garyvard - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Pairc buy-out ballot: In favour

bGaryvard/b, as seen from Caversta. This evening, the votes were counted in the ballot on the hostile community buy-out bid for the Pairc bEstate/b. I have informally been told that 52% of voters were in favour, and 48% were opposed. ...
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Hudson plane crash site photographs | Comunn Eachdraidh na Pairc b.../b

With permission of the bEstate/b manager Chris McCrae I visited the site of the Hudson in May 2000. I also visted the graves of Rigby & Hancock in Stornoway to pay my respects. Oddly the 1180 accident card on this aircraft was never ...
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Port D, Keose

Was this for one of those secret missions ? ... I've never heard of it before !! In 1942, in response to an Admiralty call for volunteers to be trained for particularly difficult and dangerous operations, a number of men were recruited b.../b
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